The Ultimate Burnout Quiz
Welcome to our 5-minute comprehensive test to discover how burnout is affecting you across 8 key areas. Find out where you stand and get insights tailored to high-achievers like you!
Here's what we will assess:
Work – How your workload and performance demands are impacting you.
Boundaries – How well you separate work from personal life.
Stress – How your body and mind respond to pressure.
Body – How burnout is affecting your physical health.
People – How burnout is shaping your relationships and social life.
Standards – How perfectionism and self-expectations play a role.
Coping – How you handle stress and recovery.
Joy – How connected you feel to excitement and meaning in life.
Answer honestly and don’t overthink it… this is for you.
Before we start, where do we send your insights?
Tap the arrow below to start your Burnout Quiz!